Easy aftercare tips: Post Extraction Instructions Delhi
Simple nonsurgical or wisdom teeth extraction require good aftercare for an optimum and speedy recovery. Not abiding by the post-extraction instructions Delhi given by your dentist can lead to complications like a dry socket that will take more time to heal completely – Post Extraction Instructions Delhi
In the information below, we have explained the various things to keep in mind after your extraction, especially of the wisdom teeth is done. These aftercare tips Delhi must be followed for a smooth recovery- brought to you by Advanced Dental Clinic, Vivek Vihar, East Delhi.
Things to keep in mind: Post extraction instructions Delhi
Mild pain and discomfort after tooth extraction or wisdom teeth removal are common and can be managed effectively. Adequate care can reduce the risk of complications, alleviate post-extraction pain and ensure a fast recovery.
One of the significant complications of tooth extraction is the development of dry socket which means the blood clot is dislodged from the socket. There can be various reasons for the dislodgement, and it can be prevented by following the instructions given below by our experts in Delhi- Advanced Dental Clinic, Vivek Vihar, East Delhi.
Maintain pressure with the gauze
After the extraction is complete, the dental surgeon will place a gauze piece on the socket site. Apply light pressure on the gauze with your teeth and keep it in place for an hour approximately after the extraction. Maintaining pressure to control bleeding is one of the most crucial post-extraction instructions Delhi.
Avoid drinking by straws
Drinking beverages from the straws are not allowed for one week after the extraction. Straw drinking utilizes your cheek muscles, which can lead to clot dislodgement.
Do not rinse your mouth for 24 hrs
Rinsing your mouth helps clean it, but after extraction, it is not a good time to rinse your mouth. Spitting and rinsing your mouth can dislodge the blood clot and lead to bleeding. Another vital thing to remember as Post Extraction Instructions Delhi is to rinse your mouth with lukewarm saline water after completion of 24 hrs. Make sure you are gently rinsing and not doing vigorous mouth rinses. You can also use antibacterial mouthwash for more effective cleaning.
No cigarettes or alcohol
Cigarette smoking is a form of sucking that forms a negative pressure in the mouth leading to clot dislodgment. Moreover, the carcinogenic ingredients in it can hinder the healing process. Alcohol, on the other hand, can lead to severe complications by reacting wth certain medications given after the extraction for optimum healing and speedy recovery. As a general rule of Post Extraction Instructions Delhi, it is best to abstain from these habits for a week post-extraction.
Take proper medications
Proper antibiotic coverage is vital to avoid post-surgical infections. Mild pain or discomfort can also be managed effectively with the painkillers prescribed by our experts in Delhi. Use intermittent icepacks from outside the mouth to avoid swelling. Another important Post Extraction Instructions Delhi is to sleep with your head elevated with an extra pillow for a couple of days to prevent bleeding.
Go for follow-ups
Going to your dentist for a follow-up visit after extraction must be a part of Post Extraction Instructions Delhi. During this visit, our surgeons in Delhi will examine the surgical site for any early signs of infection. They will guide you if any changes are required in your aftercare regime for a faster recovery.
Read more about Top Seven Myths about Wisdom Tooth Removal