What are space maintainers? – Space Maintainers in Delhi
Space maintainers are devices that prevent space closure in a baby’s mouth. There is a specific time of exfoliation for the milk teeth. The adult teeth start forming inside the bone, pushing the baby teeth out as they emerge. In some cases, the baby’s teeth fall out before time. This early loss of teeth can be a problem as the permanent tooth is not fully developed to take its space. Here comes the role of a space maintainer. The device not only prevents space loss, but it also prevents migration of the adjacent baby teeth into that space – The Advanced Dental Clinic Delhi
In the information provided below, we will briefly discuss the types and importance of space maintainers
Why are space maintainers needed? – Space Maintainers in Delhi
- Space maintainers or spacers are essential because:
- They maintain the space for the eruption of adult teeth
- They prevent the migration of baby teeth into the space
- Eliminate the risk of crowding
- Maintain the arch in symmetry
Causes of early loss of baby teeth – Space Maintainers in Delhi
There can be several reasons for the early loss of milk teeth. The baby’s teeth are more prone to cavities, and if not treated promptly, the decay starts to spread. This spread of the decay finally leads to the exfoliation of the teeth.
Another major cause of falling out of baby teeth is trauma or direct injury. At its growing age, the child is slowly learning motor skills. There are high chances of trauma or direct damage to the front teeth. Baby teeth are essential for the development of proper speech and chewing abilities. If lost prematurely, the space maintainers help the child with these functions.
Types of space maintainers – Space Maintainers in East Delhi
They are the space maintainers made up of acrylic in the form of an appliance. They are not fixed to the teeth and can be easily removed.
They are the variety of space maintainers that are cemented to the tooth. Different fixed space maintainers are planned according to the child’s age and current dental status.
How do they work? – Space Maintainers in Delhi
Space maintainers prevent the need for braces treatment by eliminating the risk of developing crooked teeth. Space maintainers work by maintaining the space for the eruption of adult teeth. Some space maintainers guide the eruption of the adult tooth. Some portion of the guiding space maintainer is inside the bone, where the adult tooth is placed. The portion inside the bone acts as a guide plane for the erupting tooth.
For long can they stay in the mouth? – Space Maintainers in East Delhi
The space maintainers are planned after clinically and radiologically assessing the case. Each individual is different, and the type of space maintainer is decided after carefully examining the status. The time the space maintainer is kept inside the mouth depends upon the time of eruption of permanent teeth. As soon as the tooth starts to erupt, the space maintainer should be removed to allow proper and complete eruption of the adult teeth.